Sunday, April 25, 2010

March 24th-Norfolk, Virginia

Just 4 days after my race, and 1 day after Brad got home from training in Texas, We ventured out to Norfolk Virginia to look for places to live.
Since we couldn't spend every minute looking at houses- It's exausting- we did a little sight seeing. Norfolk has Mermaids all over the city; kind of like a City Mascot. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of one so the dolphin on the beach front will have to suffice. As well as the huge sculpture of Neptune- the Roman God of the Ocean.

There are 4 Naval Bases in Norfolk and Nautica is a naval musem which featured the USS Wisconsin and A traveling exhibit called "REAL PIRATES." We toured Both seeing the massive battleship.
Check out the massive chain- the two black lines running the length of the ship.
The Pirate exhibit showed real pirate treasure recovered from a sunken pirate ship, tales of women pirates, and the youngest known pirate who was estimated to be eight based upon his recoverd remains.


Unknown said...

What a trip! Looks like a cute place... I want to come visit!!

Hancocks said...

How fun! I think you are going to LOVE living there!